What your alarm says about you


What are you willing to wake up for? 


We wake up for the things that we value most. If you show me your schedule, I can show you what you are centering life around. 


If we’re not waking up to what God has for us through His Church, we are missing out on the best life has to offer us. In the early church, the people devoted themselves to teaching and studying, doing life together as the body of Christ, and giving away their personal belongings for the needs of others. 


When we are willing to put our personal, selfish desires on hold for the benefit of God’s people, we see God move. The early church saw the hand of God at work each and everyday. Acts 2:46-47 says, “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” The early Christians had an attitude of thankfulness and tangible joy in a way that made the love of Jesus tangible to the people around them. While they were being obedient to the life that God called them to, it wasn’t them doing the adding and multiplying – it was God and His power and authority. 


We get to wake up each and every day with the honor of sharing Jesus’ love with joy and passion. So the next time you set your alarm, think about why you’re waking up and if it’s really worth your whole life. 


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